Google-branded tablets set for july launch


It looks as though Google is, in fact, still planning on putting out a Nexus tablet this year. Initially thought to be launching in May after production was set to kick off in April , Now sources have told The Verge that it won’t go on sale until July. That lines up nicely with my suspicions that Google would take the wraps off their co-branded tablet at I/O 2012, which takes places from June 27th through the 29th. The reason for the delay? It’s not because they’re waiting on Android 5.0 Jelly Bean. Apparently Google and Asus are trying to figure out how to tweak the hardware in order to drive the price of the tablet down a bit more. It was previously thought that the first big-screen Nexus device would hit the streets at $249, though there’s been no official confirmation of that — or any — figure. The Kindle Fire is still selling like gangbusters, though, at $199. Amazon and Google are on even footing as far as brand recognition goes, so the $ 50 difference in price might not be enough to win customers over — even though the Google tablet reportedly packs a quad- core processor. If Google and Asus can come up with a hardware combination that allows them to reduce the price by $20 to $50, things could get very interesting in the tablet world. And don’t forget about those rumors of an iPad mini that continue to surface. There’s now talk that Apple is playing with a 7.85-inch prototype in Cupertino. Depending on what price point they’ve got in mind for the mini tablet, getting the Nexus tablet on sale for a price below $249 could be even more critical to its success. Source: